Our Nurseries are open to all, you don't need to work for the NHS

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Our garden

Children in the nursery have access to outdoor provision throughout the day and use the free-flow areas and the main gardens on a daily basis. Each playroom has it’s own outdoor area with age-appropriate physical activities available.

Parents are required to supply suitable clothing for each season for the outdoor area as children will be accessing the garden all year round, including sun hat and sun cream throughout the summer (factor 30+) and wellington boots for the rest of the year.




A is leaving as we are moving overseas, going back to India as per our work assignments.

He has learned a lot of good habits and became self-independent. He is now enriched with a lot of great values which is really very useful.

We have learned a lot of parenting advice which has enriched us for the long run. I cannot thank you enough all the staff of JITB for that.

I would like to thank all the staff members and especially Richard and Sana who have helped a lot to get A settle down in the nursery in the initial days.

We recommend the nursery.

